Looking forward to seeing your smile more than ever before…
Just a few words on our new normal after we open for elective dental procedures, to all of our patients:
We want you to know that you are loved and missed terribly and we are so grateful for your return.
Know that our office has always exceeded the guidelines for infection control and we will continue that for COVID 19 and beyond.
It’s possible that we may choose to open for elective dental procedures at a later date than what you may be hearing or reading, giving us the appropriate time to prepare our team and office for you. We have been away from each other as well, (lots of ZOOM team meetings!) and we need time in the office to prepare for you. You being respectful of that decision takes an unimaginable load off our minds and hearts.
Please value the importance of coming alone, or having your companion or driver wait for you in the car; extra people in the dental office compromises everyone.
Know that when you arrive you will probably need to wait until your provider gives you the go ahead before entering the building, having your cell phone handy in your car will help considerably. We will text and/or call you to come in when we’re ready for you.
Yes, even though we are thrilled to see you, we can’t hug; your presence is the best hug ever.
Your health is our biggest concern; we may ask those with high risk factors to wait before scheduling.
We know you understand that initially, your services may take more time; your patience is appreciated.
Your patience as we rework the schedule to accommodate those patients with the most urgent dental needs, means the world to us. We’ve been rescheduling three months of appointments, and with your support, we will get there.
Know that your opinion of the entire situation matters to us, so we are going to keep having the conversations about you, your health, and your best dental health and how to help you reach your dental health goals.
And above all else, we are so excited about your arrival at our office and together we can make it the best appointment ever.
David M. Greene, DMD, Joyce Greene, and Staff.
To email us with any questions: info@scarsdaledentalspa.com or of course call us anytime, 914-275-0784.
Dr. David M. Greene, DMD
As the founder and Executive Director of Scarsdale Dental Spa, Dr. David M. Greene, DMD oversees all clinical services. His high level of skill and understanding nature has allowed him to provide patients with the best in dental care for over 30 years.